Expertise Report

Expertise Report


Issue: E-16665189-439.04.04-00063581175


As it is known, in the first paragraph of Article 14 titled “Appraisal report” of the Regulation on the Trade of Second-Hand Motor Vehicles, with the exception of businesses operating in provinces with TSE service adequacy certificate, the business selling second-hand cars or land vehicles that the appraisal report will be received within three days prior to the date it is made; In the third paragraph, it is not obligatory to obtain an appraisal report for vehicles over eight years of age or one hundred and sixty thousand kilometers, depending on the model year; In the fifth paragraph, it is stipulated that the appraisal report will be prepared by the appraisal companies that have the TSE service adequacy certificate issued in accordance with the relevant standard. In this context, it is obligatory to obtain an appraisal report from the appraisal companies that have TSE service adequacy certificate for second-hand cars and land vehicles under the age of eight or one hundred and sixty thousand kilometers according to the model year, within three days before the sale of second-hand cars or off-road vehicles by the enterprises. Based on the data sharing integration between Turkey and the Notaries Union of Turkey, it is possible to track vehicle sales information, including whether an appraisal report is received by businesses before the sale. In this context, in order to ensure that the obligations of obtaining the expertise report, which are brought to the enterprises under the provisions of the aforementioned Regulation and detailed above, are fully fulfilled and that they are not exposed to administrative sanctions, all enterprises engaged in the trade of second-hand motor land vehicles shall be informed immediately by the professional chambers of which they are members, and please do accordingly.


Minister a. Domestic Trade General Manager V.